WWE 2K19 allows players to adjust the specific features of the face in the "Face Deformation" function. This is very important and can ruin your wrestler's face if not done correctly. Match your features (ears, nose, mouth) with the model's features. Here are some tips to getting the scan just right. After the download, your face photo will appear on a body and head model, which is where you can customize it even further. Now that your face has been downloaded into WWE 2K19, it's time to polish it up. HOW TO MAKE YOUR FACE SCAN IN WWE 2K19 BETTER In WWE 2K19, go to the create a superstar feature and when you get to the face portion choose the desired downloaded image. Go to the WWE 2K19 Image Uploader, select your gaming platform and upload your photo. The most important thing to avoid are shadows on your face. If you can take the photo outside in natural light in the morning, you may have a more evenly lit picture. Follow these steps and tips to get it right. There is no special app like NBA 2K has, but if you have a good enough camera on your smartphone, you can get a high-quality photo uploaded into the game. HOW TO TAKE AND UPLOAD IMAGE INTO WWE 2K19 It appearently just downloaded some things(specifically the Tiger Mask I downloaded) multiple times for a wrestler, with only one time being used.Daniel Bryan made a few rare appearances on WWE Velocity before becoming the big name he is today 2K The main problem I'm gonna have with just deleting "unused" stuff is that it always showed a bunch of images actually used on downloaded superstars as "unused", tho I guess if that happens I can redownload them and copy the stats and stuff over, since I still have slots.ĮDIT: Thanks for the help either way tho.ĮDIT 2: Ok, sorry, I appearently was wrong about the "unused"-thing.
Have you(or anyone else here, really) confirmed that you can still download stuff yourself, so I can be sure the problem is on my end? Anyway, I haven't finished the tower yet, as it's just jockfull of artificial difficulty, and I don't see how that could be the reason in this case, due to me still being able to download my uploaded pictures until a few days ago. I also tried deleting it, but I still can't download anything. The last thing was an image I uploaded myself. I'll try to delete not used images, but after the last thing I downloaded IT STILL WORKED. Have you finished that tower?Įither that, or one of the Not Used images is sticking around, the Deletion Utility would sort that out. Originally posted by Zeokage:That's usually due to the last CAW you downloaded using something from Golden AJ.