This may be because he's a Big Guy or a Cloudcuckoolander-two character subspecies known for this trope-and for having very thick skulls, or maybe he's wearing Weaponized Headgear. Strangely enough, no character who ever employs this technique ever seems to get a concussion-or even a headache. In some cases, it overlaps with Exact Words especially if someone uses the trope name at one point. When somebody breaks out the cranial cannonball, the walls are going to come tumblin' down. For others, it's simply the easiest road to destruction. This can be an effective means of attack for some. Or his companions may actually pick him up, using the blunt end of his skull to smash down whatever it is that needs smashin'. The character may go into full on raging-bull mode, charging blindly ahead at whatever stands in his path. When a character uses his head, they transform from ordinary bloke to full-on Battering Ram.

Heck, we're not even talking about headbutts of love. We're not talking ordinary, run-of-the-mill headbutts here. It has been shown time and again, in cartoons, movies, and video games, that the best way to break something is by hitting it with your head.