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Approval Status: Pending Investigation.Funny Italian Gift For Men Women Cool Surrounded By Stunads Png Bundle, Trending Png, Popular Printable. Located inside the Village Mall of Lake George, NY stunad translation in Italian - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'stufa, stupendo, studio, stuoia', examples, definition, conjugationStunad. Dutans, daunts, ustandThis video shows you how to pronounce Stunad25malx nack meaning Stunad’s Italian Ice, Lake George, New York. stunad (plural stunads) Alternative form of stunod Anagrams. stunad (not comparable) Alternative form of stunod Noun. in my part of Italia (Napoli) it means you are literally a piece of poop that floats in a toilet. #ItalianUnity #HappyNewYear #HappyHolidays #ThatTimeofYear #FeliceAnnoNuovo #FluffytheDog #HardHeaded. And I've been a touch STUNAD, (STEW NOD) - Stupid, all week! #StevieBSlang #ItalianAmericanSlangWordoftheDay #ItalianPride. "The Italian American Slang Word of the Day!" is STUNAD. Tony calls almost every caller who upsets him a stunad without fail, usually after hanging up on them.The Italian American Slang Word of the Day. It is an Italian slang term, usually used to refer to someone in the same context as "idiot" or "moron". Stunad Stunad is a term often used by Tony to describe trolls or people who piss him off.