
Archive a 4chan thread
Archive a 4chan thread

archive a 4chan thread

Just look at, where it's described in detail.

archive a 4chan thread

At least the list is on the discussion page, which is better than nowhere. This thing won't let me post lists? That sucks. I came here looking for an explanation of the /whatever/s and instead find only that terms like /b/ are thrown around without definition.- Iritscen 17:38, 7 June 2007 (UTC) I always thought I was tech-savvy, but this 4-chan/2-chan thing is absolutely beyond me. Transfinite ( Talk / Contribs) 03:19, (UTC) I would like to second the request for the explanation of /b/, /t/, etc. Trying to discuss the culture and in-jokes of even the popular boards (/a/, /b/, /v/, etc.) would steer too far into original research. All that could be sourced is the topic of each board, which is in the frame beside front page, and the rules of each board, which is on it's own page. Crowley 09:19, (UTC) A list of the boards is visible when one goes to the website.- Ryūlóng ( 竜龍) 09:22, (UTC) So just because it's on another website is a reason why we shouldn't have it here? Doesn't that invalidate most of the whole Wikipedia.? Crowley 11:25, (UTC) It would be long list that wouldn't really add anything to the article. Would it not be useful to create a list of all the "/something/"s on 4chan and what they mean? That's what I came to the article looking for.

Archive a 4chan thread